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Mike's Cheese Eggs are a classic that remains a favorite with anglers today. They are large, top-quality salmon eggs processed and packed in our special cheese flavoring. Fluorescent golden color makes this egg highly visible in any type of water. Combination of cheese flavoring and fluorescent color helps attract trout from greater distances. Excellent choice for stream, river or lake fishing.
Mike's UV Glo Eggs. Fish are attracted to what they can see, smell and taste. Mike's UV Glo Eggs incorporate all these elements essential for enticing trout to feed. UV Glo Eggs are natural salmon eggs combined with tempting scents and enhanced with UV visibility, attracting fish from greater distances and producing aggressive strikes in all water conditions.
Mike's Shrimp Eggs
Mike's best-selling salmon eggs and for good reason, Mike's Shrimp Eggs continue to prove their effectiveness season-after-season. Large jumbo-sized egg packed in our own natural shrimp flavoring. Perfect texture, soft to entice fish to strike, yet firm and elastic enough to stay on the hook even in fast moving water. With five colors to choose from, you are sure to be successful in all fishing conditions.
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